Shaftesbury CE Primary School - Curriculum

Our Curriculum

Intent Implementation Impact.

Adventures! Class
Family PE

Our Mission.

Our curriculum will enable our children to thrive academically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. It is underpinned by our INSPIRE and Christian values of the school.​

The curriculum is designed to not only close the ‘vocabulary gap’ that exists between the majority of our children and children who are from more ‘word-rich’ families but to inspire and challenge all of our children to reach their full potential.​

Our curriculum will continually adapt to meet the needs of all learners bridging gaps in knowledge, skills and vocabulary leading to a personalised teaching and learning experience.

Inclusion & Equal Opportunities.

Children with special educational needs will be supported as appropriate to enable them to access the curriculum fully. This includes children that are more able and those with specific learning difficulties and disabilities. Individual Education Plans identify targets in specific areas of learning for those children who require additional support commensurate with the school’s Special Educational Needs Policy. The school’s SEND Co‐ordinator is responsible for providing additional information and advice to staff and parents and for arranging external intervention and support as necessary. In line with the school’s Equal Opportunities Policy, we will provide all children, regardless of ethnicity, culture, religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties, disabilities, gender or ability with equal access to all aspects of school life to ensure that every child is valued as an individual. All staff are role models and are aware of the influence they have in promoting positive attitudes and use that influence to challenge stereotypical attitudes.

Parents As Partners.

We strive to create and maintain a partnership with parents and carers as we recognise that together, we can have a significant impact on a child’s learning. We welcome and actively encourage parents to participate confidently in their child’s education and care and in wider school life.

Learning Environment.

The learning environment will be designed and delivered to maximise the acquisition of vocabulary that will enable our children to access learning at a deep level.​

The learning environment is understood to stretch beyond the classroom and the confines of the school grounds.​

Our children deserve to have a locale that supports and encourages their development – particularly in their use and application of vocabulary.​


In each year our children can expect the following extra experiences.

Year R

  • Nativity Play
  • Sports Day

Year 1

  • Christmas Show
  • Sports Day

Year 2

  • Christmas Show
  • Sports Day

Year 3

  • Christmas Show
  • Sports Day

Year 4

  • Christmas Show
  • Sports Day
  • School Camp

Year 5

  • Christmas Show
  • Sports Day
  • 2 Night Residential
  • Secondary School Visits and Activities

Year 6

  • Christmas Show
  • Sports Day
  • 2 Night Residential
  • Secondary School Visits and Activities
  • End of year show

Transition to KS3

  • Tutor visits
  • Teacher visits


Our learning themes are designed around the vocabulary set out to the right.

Much time and thought have gone into which words were to be included and where they were to feature.

Topic – vocabulary from themes and projects we create.

Academic Word List – 570 most common words from academic literature. (Click here to find out more.)

Common Words - 300 High-Frequency Words + General Service List Words (Click here to find out more).

Our Vocab Make-Up


Our objectives come from the National Curriculum 2012.

Thanks to the work of Michael Tid - the objectives have been organised into academic years.

Year R Objectives

Objectives for Year R

Year 1 Objectives

Objectives for Year 1

Year 2 Objectives

Objectives for Year 2

Year 3 Objectives

Objectives for Year 3

Year 4 Objectives

Objectives for Year 4

Year 5 Objectives

Objectives for Year 5

Year 6 Objectives

Objectives for Year 6

Our work in several areas is supported by 3rd-party schemes

PSHE Objectives

Jigsaw Scheme

Maths Objectives

White Rose Maths

RE Objectives


SPS ICT Objectives

In-house ICT

Science & Humanities



Our learning themes are knitted together by these continually recurring concepts.

Any learning we set out for our children should be underpinned by one or more of these concepts.

Our children will experience (and be reminded of) these concepts as they move through the school.

They can be grouped under 4 headings.

Concepts Grouped
All of our concepts


Learning is organised into 'themes'.

The themes are flexible and can be adapted.

The themes are based around questions of enquiry rather than simple topic headings.

Objectives and activities within themes can be (should be) joined together to overlap learning.

The outline of a theme. Enquiry as a title.

Pedagogy - Macro.

The medium term view of implementing our curriculum can be demonstrated by the diagram below.

A block of learning.

At the beginning of a theme, our children will experience immersive 'hooking' activties to launch the learning.

Children will already have received a Knowledge Organiser to help prepare them for their learning.

Knowledge Organiser Example.
The expectations around the opening of a theme.

As the theme progresses, our children will be expected to use the knowledge they are acquiring to solve relevant problems or answer questions based around their theme.

Applying our skills and knowledge.

Pedagogy - Micro.

Learning will contain elements of Assessment for Learning techniques - all designed to help determine next steps in learning quickly.

Differentiation and the resulting personalised learning will be underpinned by the philosophy of SOLO Taxonomy.

Practise in the classroom.


Resources developed for our themes will be carefully sourced to ensure they support the acquisition of the vocabulary that underpins our curriculum.


Academic Outcomes.

We aim for our children to make more than expected progress as they move through our school.

By providing an inspirational and engaging curriculum, our children will be supported to become relective and motivated learners.

Click here to see evidence of our learning across the school.


The Whole Child.

The impact of our curriculum will be seen in a range of areas.

Simply scoring well in tests and assessments isn't what our curriculum is driven by.

We want our children to experience a curriculum that allows them to develop in all directions and not just move from A->B.

The Whole Child